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Layer 1 - The Sump

Deep below the Underhive is the Sump. Driven down by the Enforcer raids, once proud gangs now find themselves in near darkness surrounded by billions of litres of human effluent, factorum waste and promethium run-off, collected in a putrid sea. The hell of the Underhive now seems like a dreamy memory, and getting back will require more than just escaping the Sump. You'll need resources, and for that you'll need to fight!

The Beast's Lair

sump beast.jpg

Even in the Sump there are settlements of the most desperate of all Hive Kowloon's citizens. However, extreme environments harbour extreme organisms. Your gang, appearing bizarrely strong and healthy by Sump standards has been approached by a settlement to deal with a Giant Sump Beast that has terrorized them. Unfortunately, another settlement has had the same idea and hired a rival gang for the same job. Can you trust them?

Standard Zone Mortalis. Small board size (e.g. Kill Team board 30″ x 22″ or 4 Necromunda tiles in a square)
The centre of the battlefield is the Beast's nest. Set up 6 Juvenile Beasts there:




Juvenile Beasts make unarmed attacks and have a 6+ armour save.


Custom selection.
All Layer 1, game 1 crews have a 1000c limit.
All Layer 1, game 2 crews have a 1200c limit if it's both player's second game.


Each gang can use up to 1 of their available Tactics during this battle.

Roll off, the winner picks 1 corner to deploy in. The other player deploys in the opposite corner. Deployment zones are 3'' x 6'' (the 6” edge should be parallel to your opponent's 6” edge.

At the end of deployment, the Juvenile Beasts each move D6'' in a random direction.

At the start of the End phase of each round, the Juvenile Beasts fight any fighters in base contact, or if there are no fighters in base contact, they each move D6" in a random direction. If they end their move within 1' of a fighter, move them into base contact & they count as charging. Juvenile Beasts are small and hide well, they cannot be targeted by Shooting actions from more than 6'' away.

When a Juvenile Beast is defeated, if the Giant Sump Beast hasn't appeared yet, roll a D6 and add the total number of defeated Juvenile Beasts to the result. If the result is 7 or more, the Giant Sump Beast is enraged and appears! Remove all other Juvenile Beasts & replace the most recently defeated Juvenile Beast with a Giant Sump Beast:



It has a 5+ armour save, and its attacks are Strength 7, 2 Damage, AP -3.
It cannot be Pinned, Coup de Grace actions cannot be taken against it, and it always acts as following, regardless of any effects (e.g. Blaze or Insanity). At the start of the End phase of each round, the Giant Sump Beast fights any fighters in base contact, or if there are no fighters in base contact, it charges its Movement +D6 toward the nearest fighter. Keep track of how many wounds each player inflicts on the Giant Sump Beast.

When the Giant Sump Beast is defeated, it drops the following loot:
* Thick Hide (Mesh Armour - 5+ save)
* Beast Claw (Fighting Knife - Melee, S: User, Dam: 1, AP -1, Backstab: +1 S when attacking outside target's vision arc)
* Exotic Furs (+1 when seeking rare/illegal items in the post-battle sequence.)
* 3x Fresh Meat (A single-use item that brings a fighter out of recovery)

The battle ends when no gang has fighters left on the board. When the Giant Sump Beast is defeated, players can choose to end the battle and split the loot between themselves... or they can fight over it! In this case, the game continues until 1 gang remains instead. The last remaining gang claims all the loot.

Each gang scores 1 point for each wound scored on the Giant Sump Beast, with 1 bonus point for the final wound. The gang that scored the most points is the winner. If the Giant Sump Beast wasn't defeated, both gangs lose.


In addition to the loot listed above, the winning gang gets D6x10 credits. A losing gang gets D3x10 credits.



Each fighter that took part in the battle gains 1 Experience.
The fighter that deals the killing blow to the Giant Sump Horror gains an additional D3 Experience.


Each gang that took part gains 1 Reputation. The gang that won earns D6 Reputation instead.

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sump beast stats.jpg
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