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Underhells Campaign Winter 2024/25

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Fleeing the cannibal cult that had taken over their dome, the gangs of Hive Kowloon descended into the Underhells.
For cycle after cycle, the gangs struggled to survive by exploring the dark corridors and fighting over scraps. Then came the Malstrain. Previously locked in the depths alone for centuries, the twisted breed of xenos lashed out, eager for a taste of fresh meat at long last!

Most of the gangs adapted well enough, though the story differed for some. A small group of Chaos gangers vanished into the gloom, never to be seen again. A downtrodden Escher gang decided to throw in their lot with the Malstrain, offering themselves to the cult in exchange for their lives. Stranger still, a group of Mutants had fled persecution by following a bizarre 3-headed off-worlder into the Underhells, his constant gibbering about "The Lord of Rot and Rust" wasn't enough to deter them from sticking close their towering defender. When the time came, they decided that life down there suited them better than the Underhive and decided to stay.

The other gangs couldn't say the same, and when an ancient land train was discovered with its road pointing up towards surface level, they put their differences aside to defend the transport as they made their escape! Enforcers, Van Saar, Orlock, Cawdor, Delaque, and a Spyre all worked together like never before (and perhaps never again!)

As the battle raged on, Malstrain reinforcements joined from all sides, taking shots from the ruins, setting up barricades in front of the land train, and the traitorous Escher pursuing in looted vehicles. Then two mysterious transports approached from behind. In one, Hermiatus; the reborn mad scientist responsible for the Malstrain affliction. On the other; a sealed container bearing the mark of Hive Kowloon's ruling House - Rau Li.

In the final moments, just as the end of the tunnel came into sight, a horrendous coalescence of man & Malstrain burst forth from the container, making one last attempt to prevent the survivors' escape!

In the end, the survivors' land train crashed onto the surface of the wastes surrounding Hive Kowloon. The gangs may have survived, but so too did Hermiatus and the Coalescence. The ruling House of Hive Kowloon will have a difficult time explaining their involvement in this incident and rising dissent will soon be felt throughout the hive...

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